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Published on May 17th, 2024

Boiling Water Taps - Are They Safe and Are They Worth It?

Boiling Water Taps.

Welcome to the future, where waiting for a kettle to boil is as outdated as dial-up internet and cassette tapes. Enter the boiling water tap, the modern marvel that promises instant boiling water at the turn of a handle. But before you toss your kettle in the bin and embrace this high-tech kitchen gadget, let’s answer the burning questions: Are they safe, and are they worth it? Let’s dive into the bubbling world of boiling water taps, exploring the pros, cons, costs, and safety concerns.

The Pros of Boiling Water Taps

1. Convenience: Picture this – you’re making a cup of tea, and instead of twiddling your thumbs waiting for the kettle to boil, you have instant access to boiling water. Whether you’re brewing a cup of joe, blanching vegetables, or preparing pasta, a boiling water tap shaves precious minutes off your cooking routine.

2. Space-Saver: With a boiling water tap, say goodbye to the clutter of kettles and extra gadgets hogging counter space. Your kitchen will look sleek, modern, and, dare we say, Instagram-worthy.

3. Energy Efficiency: Boiling water taps can be more energy-efficient than repeatedly boiling a kettle, especially for frequent users. They keep a reservoir of water at boiling point, so you’re only heating what you need when you need it.

4. Cool Factor: Let’s face it, having a boiling water tap is a bit of a status symbol. It’s the culinary equivalent of having a fancy espresso machine or a smart fridge that texts you when you’re out of milk. It’s bound to impress guests and make you feel like a kitchen wizard.

The Cons of Boiling Water Taps

1. Initial Cost: These gadgets don’t come cheap. Installing a boiling water tap can set you back anywhere from £500 to £2,500, including the cost of the unit and professional installation. Compare that to a basic kettle, and it’s clear you’re paying for luxury.

2. Maintenance: Boiling water taps require regular maintenance to keep them running smoothly. This includes replacing filters and occasional servicing. It’s not a set-it-and-forget-it appliance – think of it as the high-maintenance friend who’s totally worth it but requires a bit more attention.

3. Safety Concerns: The idea of instant boiling water on tap might sound like a scalding accident waiting to happen. While modern taps come with safety features like childproof locks and insulated spouts to prevent burns, the risk is still there. It’s like having a small dragon under your sink – exciting, but handle with care.

Cost Considerations

When evaluating the cost of a boiling water tap, it’s essential to look beyond the initial price tag. Factor in the potential energy savings over time, the convenience it offers, and the added value to your home. For heavy tea drinkers or avid home cooks, the investment might pay off in terms of time and energy saved. However, for occasional users, the high cost might outweigh the benefits.

Safety First

Now, let’s address the elephant in the room – safety. Boiling water taps are designed with multiple safety features, but it’s crucial to understand and use them correctly. Most taps have a two-step mechanism to prevent accidental activation, and some even have cool-touch technology to avoid burns. If you have young children, choosing a model with robust safety features is non-negotiable.

However, even with these precautions, it’s essential to exercise common sense. Avoid filling shallow containers that can easily tip over, and always supervise children in the kitchen. In other words, treat your boiling water tap with the same respect you’d give a pot of boiling water on the stove – because that’s essentially what it is.


So, are boiling water taps safe and worth it? The answer depends on your lifestyle, budget, and kitchen habits. They offer unparalleled convenience, a touch of luxury, and can even be more energy-efficient in the long run. However, the high initial cost and ongoing maintenance might be a deterrent for some.

In terms of safety, modern boiling water taps are designed with numerous features to prevent accidents, but they still require careful use and respect. If you’re a frequent tea drinker, a home chef, or someone who loves the latest kitchen gadgets, a boiling water tap might just be your new best friend. If not, well, there’s no shame in sticking with the trusty old kettle. After all, it’s been doing the job just fine for centuries – and it never asked for a filter change.